Texas Lawn Care Tips & Landscaping Advice | Grassperson

Do I Need Year-Round Lawn Care Services in North Texas?

Written by Jack Moore | Dec 7, 2021 2:50:02 PM

Here in North Texas, where we have fairly mild weather all year long, we often get asked about year-round lawn care services. Since most lawns do go dormant for some time during the winter, you might be wondering why you would really need any services during that period.

While you might not need your lawn mowed all year long, there are other important lawn care services that should be part of your year-round lawn care schedule.

In this article, we’ll talk about what you should know about year-round lawn care in North Texas.

Why Do I Need Year-Round Lawn Care Services?

The truth is, lawn care is more than just mowing. While that’s an important service and it’s essential that it’s performed properly, mowing is definitely not the only thing your lawn needs.

One of the really important services that we are performing in the winter is weed control.

You probably already know that just because it’s winter does not mean that weeds take a break. Our temperate climate means that weeds will likely persist throughout the winter. While a big part of our weed control program focuses on putting pre-emergent controls down, there are always going to be winter weeds that need to be addressed. The truth is, winter weeds need very little sun to pop up and spread. And as you know, we often still have some hot and sunny days, even in the winter.

In addition, even though mowing won’t need to be done as often because of grass growth slowing down dramatically, we would want to mow the lawn to mulch the leaves. This is a really important service that helps to prevent leaves from just sitting on the grass and blocking its access to sunlight, water, oxygen, and nutrients. Mulching leaves is also really beneficial for the lawn as it is a natural way to add nutrients back into the soil and help your grass grow thick and healthy.

Watering in the winter is also important. Of course, at this point, your irrigation system should be set to a winter watering schedule to adjust for decreased needs.

There is also generally some “winter clean-up” that needs to be done during this time period. That might include clearing fallen branches and debris out of the yard and freshening up the plant beds. We might also be edging, blowing off hard surfaces, and picking leaves out of plant beds.

There is often a lot of “detail” and “finish work” that can be done in the winter to keep the property looking neat and tidy.

Is Year-Round Lawn Care in North Texas a Necessity?

We know that you probably already feel that lawn care in the regular growing season is important or you wouldn’t even be exploring year-round services. You know that lawn care services like mowing, weed control, fertilization, watering, and others are essential to help keep your lawn looking its best.

And now that you understand some of the winter lawn care services that we would perform, you can probably see how year-round lawn care is important.

But, is it a necessity?

The answer to that question is really dependent upon your wants, needs, and overall expectations. If you want your lawn to continue to truly look its best, then we would definitely say it does not make sense to take a season off. You’re only going to be catching up come spring.

One analogy that we sometimes use is house cleaning. You wouldn’t pay a house cleaning service to come to clean your home just part of the year if you truly want it looking its best all year round.

The same is really true for lawn care. Year-round lawn care services are important if you want your lawn to continue to be the best it can be.

A Professional Eye on Your Side

Although not a lawn care service, one thing that we haven’t mentioned which is also incredibly important is that simply having a professional eye on your property year-round is a huge benefit that comes with keeping up with year-round lawn care in North Texas.

There are things that can go wrong with the property, even in the winter, and you’ll find peace of mind knowing that you have a pro out on your property, keeping an eye on things.

In addition, there are often winter projects that make sense for us to work on to ensure that your property is “ready to go” come spring. Issues such as drainage or grading problems can be corrected over the winter so that your property is in pique condition when the growing season starts up again. And as you know, that tends to sneak up quite quickly here in North Texas!

All of a sudden it’s warm and everything is in full bloom once again.

That’s why keeping up with year-round lawn care services really is beneficial. Our clients often tell us that they really do like being on a year-round program so that their property never goes through a period of looking unkempt or falling behind.

At the end of the day, we understand you don’t want to worry about your property becoming messy or a problem arising that could have been prevented. By signing up for year-round lawn care, you can keep your property looking like the best on the block all year long.

Are you ready to feel confident your lawn and landscape are getting everything they need at your Flower Mound, Highland Village, or Lewisville, TX home? Get a free quote and then enjoy the best property on the block without the hassle or the worry.