Texas Lawn Care Tips & Landscaping Advice | Grassperson

How to Make Your Grass Greener and Thicker: 6 Tips for Texas Homeowners

Written by Jack Moore | Dec 21, 2020 3:06:42 PM

A green lawn is one of the main reasons why you may have signed up for a professional lawn care service, or at least tried to tackle the right services on your own. You likely desire a lawn that is thick, green, and thriving—one that will make you the envy of the neighborhood!

Whether you’ve tackled DIY lawn care or you’ve hired a service, if your lawn isn’t living up to everything you dreamed it would be, you might be wondering how to make your grass greener and thicker. Is there some secret that you’re missing? It can be frustrating to feel like you aren’t making ample progress.

Other homeowners have felt this way, too. That’s why we’ve rounded up some tips to help. The truth is, the key to a greener lawn is not one step (or one secret). In reality, it’s a variety of best practices all working together to get you the best results. Here are 6 tips to help make your grass greener and thicker.

1. Make Sure That You’re Watering Properly

We’ve started with water for a reason. Water is the lifeblood of all living things and without the proper amount, your lawn is never going to thrive. When your lawn does not receive the right amount of water, it can turn pale green or even start to yellow. If your lawn goes too long without water, it might even turn brown and die.

In terms of how to water a lawn, you’re going to get the best results with professional irrigation. With the likelihood of drought-like conditions being high here in North Texas, proper irrigation is essential.

Of course, overwatering can be a problem, too. If your lawn is actually receiving too much water, it can drown the roots and also cause grass discoloration. You can usually tell if the grass is overwatered if it takes on a spongy feel.

2. Consider the Use of a Moisture Manager

Given the importance of water to achieving a thick green lawn, you might also want to consider the addition of a moisture manager service. This is a special chemistry that can be applied to the lawn to help keep the water at the root level. As a result, your lawn grass will be able to “drink” that water for longer.

This can be incredibly helpful since much-needed hydration is often lost to the wind and the sun via the natural evaporation process. Our innovative moisture manager product is helping to overcome these barriers.

3. Ensure Your Lawn is Mowed Properly

A lot of people are surprised to learn that mowing affects lawn color. It’s commonplace to assume that mowing is a simple service in which you “can’t go wrong.” But the truth is, there is a “right way to mow.”

If your lawn is beginning to look yellow or not as green as it could be, it may be able to be traced back to improper mowing.

Most often, homeowners (or even professional mowers) cut their grass too short. When the lawn is mowed too short, you put a tremendous amount of stress on it. As a result, it can begin to turn pale green or yellow. Therefore, proper mow height is one key to a green lawn.
The use of a sharp blade is also important. When you mow the lawn with a dull blade, it can also put the lawn under a tremendous amount of stress. In turn, this can impact the grass color and you are less likely to make your lawn thick and green.

4. Minimize Shaded Areas

Another thing that impacts the greenness of your grass is how much sun it receives. The grass is always going to be greener when it’s getting more sun. Managing shade issues with tree pruning (or even tree removal if the grass is hardly growing) is something to discuss with your landscape professional.

Of course, many homeowners really love their trees and other solutions could work such as extended tree rings or plant beds with some shade-loving plants. This could help eliminate some of the lawn areas that are struggling to grow due to shade.

5. Make Sure Lawn Problems are Being Properly Managed

Turf disease, pests, and even nutrient deficiencies can all lead to lawn discoloration problems. You want to make sure that any potential problems are being properly managed by a lawn care professional.

Nutrient deficiencies can be addressed with proper lawn fertilization.

Meanwhile, if you’ve signed up for a lawn care program and have a lawn care professional on your property regularly, then you can be confident that they’re preventing problems where they can or addressing problems rapidly before they become serious.

6. Incorporate Lawn Aeration

When it comes to how to make your grass green and thick, lawn aeration is one of those really vital services that sometimes gets overlooked. Aeration is the process of making holes throughout your lawn by pulling small soil plugs called “cores” using a special machine. This allows more oxygen, water, and nutrients to penetrate deep into the soil and down to the root zone. This helps your lawn’s roots to thrive—and in turn, helps your lawn to grow thicker, greener, and overall healthier.

We recommend having this service performed annually. Given the soil type here in Northern Texas, letting more than a year pass without aerating can lead to problems. In fact, other services that you’re having performed such as fertilization or even watering won’t be as impactful without well-aerated soil.

Choosing a Proactive Landscape Partner to Keep Your Lawn Green

At the end of the day, you don’t want to be worrying about how to make the grass green, you just want to know that it is!

At Grassperson, we have worked with many homeowners who were frustrated that their lawn was not thick or green enough as a result of unsuccessfully tackling DIY lawn care or possibly hiring a professional who overlooked one or more important steps. The truth is, as we mentioned early on, a green lawn truly is a multi-faceted effort. It boils down to hiring a lawn care professional who fully understands what your lawn needs to thrive.

If you truly want to take all of the burdens off of your plate, we even offer a Total Maintenance Package that includes everything you’d need to keep your property as a whole looking its best. After all, your lawn is just one part (albeit an important one) of your total property.

When it comes to how to make your grass green—or other lawn or property needs, we’re here for you.

Ready to get the results that you desire for your lawn in the Flower Mound, Highland Village, or West Plano, TX area? Get a free quote and then enjoy the best lawn with no worries!