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4 Missing Things in the Scotts 4-Step Lawn Care: Tips for Homeowners in Flower Mound, Highland Village, & West Plano, TX

Jack Moore
Feb 23, 2021 10:48:17 AM

If you’ve seen some of the television commercials or online advertisements for Scotts 4 Step program, also sometimes referred to as Scotts 4 Step fertilizer program, you might be seriously considering it. Their marketing claims make it look pretty appealing and it might even have you questioning why you’d pay for lawn care if you could achieve the same lush and green results yourself.

They make it look pretty easy!

There’s no question that much of the popularity of the Scotts 4 Step program is just how simple they make it seem. The program promises 4 simple steps to achieve great results. What’s not to like?

But the truth is, like many things in life, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. There are some fairly significant flaws with this program. That’s because lawn care is complicated and any program that attempts to simplify it, is probably missing the mark somewhere.

Here’s exactly what is missing and why if you rely on this program, you may be sorely disappointed.

Missing #1: A Comprehensive Pre-Emergent Weed Control Approach

The first thing that we want to mention that is missing in the Scotts 4 Step program is the proper weed control approach. It’s over-simplified.

Step One of the program is crabgrass preventer (pre-emergent) and lawn food (fertilization). These are both important but with the tough-to-control weeds here in North Texas, but it’s not enough.
At Grassperson, we’re using pre-emergent controls to prevent numerous grassy weeds. We’re also being incredibly strategic about the timeline in which we apply these products.

The truth is, with pre-emergent controls timing is everything. If you miss your application window, they’re not going to be effective. They must be applied prior to germination. That’s why we are so carefully testing soil temperatures and watching closely to ensure that we’re putting down product at just the right time. But the description for Scott’s first step simply says to “apply in early spring, anytime between February and April.” This general timeline is just too broad and could be a waste of your time and money if you miss the ideal timing.

It’s also worth mentioning that even with all of the pre-emergent controls that we’re applying, breakthrough is still sometimes an issue. After all, grassy weeds like crabgrass are incredibly persistent. That’s why we’re also applying post-emergent controls on anything that still pops up. The Scotts 4 Step program is missing this, as well.Post emergent weed control spray

Missing #2: Continued, Effective Weed Control

The next step in the Scotts 4 Step program is weed control and lawn food. The biggest problem with this step is the fact that it’s using subpar products to tackle tough weeds. Scotts weed control product is granular, which has to be watered in. A lot of conditions must also be “just right” for this to be effective.

In fact, it says that the product must be applied on a “calm day, on a damp lawn, and when rain is not expected for at least 24 hours.” That’s a lot of conditions to meet.

At Grassperson, we believe that liquid controls are best. They’re more forgiving if conditions aren’t perfect. But we’ve also found them to be more effective overall. Plus, we’re using commercial-grade product as opposed to something store-bought like Scotts. We’re also taking a varied weed control approach, knowing that there are many different types of weeds that plague lawns here in North Texas. Again, Scotts tries to simplify this with a one-size-fits-all product.lawn care technician spraying liquid weed control

Missing #3: Weed Control and Lawn Insect Control

At step 3 of the program is more lawn food, which is why some folks also call this the Scotts 4 Step fertilizer program. Lawn fertilization is really important and is definitely something you should be applying.

However, at this mid-summer point, there are other essential services that your lawn likely needs.

For one, a comprehensive weed control program should still be in action. With North Texas weeds being as aggressive as they are, you can’t just let up on controls. In the mid-summer, there are plenty of weeds that are still thriving. But the Scotts program does not include any additional weed control at this step.

The program is also missing any lawn insect treatments, which can be a serious threat here in Flower Mound, Highland Village, and West Plano, TX. This includes not only grub control but also surface-feeding insects which can wreak havoc on your lawn.grubs

Missing #4: You Guessed It, Weed Control! And Other Services of a Complete Program

The final step of the Scotts 4 Step fertilizer program is fall lawn food. Fall fertilization is important but the program fails to continue to address weeds, which absolutely need to be treated again. At Grassperson, we are continuing with post-emergent weed controls as needed throughout the entire season. Here in North Texas, weeds almost never stop growing!

But the truth is, this program is missing a lot more than just products. For one, it’s missing the value that you get from having a professional eye on your property. When you hire Grassperson to come out and treat your lawn, they’re also looking for potential problems and implementing solutions before they get serious.

It’s also missing a guarantee. If you work with a lawn care professional like Grassperson, they’re going to stand behind their work. They’re going to persist with treatments until they’re effective. But if you use Scotts products, you’re on your own. They’re not going to send you more bags or refund your money if you still have problems after you’ve completed the program.

On top of that, you’re also missing the opportunity to add other valuable services to your lawn care program like lawn aeration, which can really take your lawn to another level.

Scotts 4 Step Reviews vs. Grassperson Reviews

By now, you’re probably already questioning whether a DIY program like Scotts makes sense for you. If you want the best lawn on the block, then all of the missing elements should raise a red flag.

But if you’re still doing your research, it’s also worth reading online reviews.

We’ll admit the Scotts 4 Step reviews online are certainly not all bad by any means. There are some folks who have been happy with what they got. For what it is, it’s OK. But it’s missing so much that you are still going to have to invest more if you want a complete solution.

Plus, if you read some of the negative Scotts 4 Step reviews, it might make you think twice about even trying it. Some homeowners complain about burning their lawn, about still having weeds, or even about the hassles of having to ship back the wrong products they were sent. This boils down to hassles and headaches that you could simply avoid by investing in a professional in the first place.

You can compare this against the Google Reviews that you read about Grassperson. One of the biggest takeaways you’ll get from reading these reviews is the fact that we’re here to help. Reviewers are not only commenting on their results but also the service they receive (from the team members who answer our phones all the way through the technicians who work out in the field). That’s simply not something you’ll receive with Scotts.lawn care technician ready to help the customer

Ready for the Best Lawn on the Block?

If you’re serious about getting the best lawn on the block, then you don’t have any room for compromise. You need the best products and the best service out there. The truth is, you’re never going to get that with Scotts 4 Step program. They’ve oversimplified lawn care entirely too much.

Fortunately, by making a wise choice, you can avoid wasting your money on an incomplete program and invest in one that is going to get you the results you truly desire. In the end, that will equate to having the best lawn on the block.

Ready to get a great-looking lawn at your Flower Mound, Highland Village, or Lewisville, TX home? Get a free quote and get ready to enjoy the best lawn on the block with no hassles associated with it!

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Image Source: Grub

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